Friday, February 6, 2009


Well, I've finally jumped on board the Facebook bandwagon. I must say - it is very addictive (Natalie warned me). I have been able to touch base with people from high school that I haven't seen or heard from in 15 or more years! I love looking at people's pictures and hearing about what's going on in their lives.
Speaking of which . . . training for the Memorial Marathon is in full swing. Thanks to Cori - we're right on track. We ran 13 miles last Saturday & I felt really good. We're going to do the same tomorrow, but will bump it up the following week. I am trying to stretch, stay opened and really listen to my body so I don't get injured . . . again. Injuries SUCK!! Watching your friends run the marathon that you trained four months for also sucks, so I don't want to repeat that. My parents are very anti-running so they are not happy with my decision to train for this event. Oh well!!!
We're counting down to our cruise - T-minus 22 days and counting!!! I am so ready!!!

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