Saturday, January 24, 2009

Barack Obama

We have a new president. I guess I am in a little bit of denial because I still can't believe that America elected Barack Obama, a man with no substantial leadership experience, as president of this country. People can argue all they want, but race was a huge factor in his election. He promised the world on a silver platter and is already starting to back down on some of those things. Those who voted for him with the idea that he would make everything all "better" will be sadly mistaken. I pray that God will watch over our nation and not allow this new president to drive us into oblivion. We are blessed with agency to make our own choices and God allows people to make mistakes - I just hope that He doesn't allow Obama to make too many costly ones. We watched the inauguration on Tuesday because, regardless of my political views and opinions, he is our new president and it was a historical moment - the changing of power and the first African American president.

I believe it was Karl Rove who recently said that he hopes Obama fails. I do not hope he fails - that would mean our country was damaged. I hope Americans can see him for what he truly is - someone inexperienced, wearing rose-colored glasses.

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