Twas the night before the night before Christmas . . .
You know I must be dying of boredom to be finally updating this blog. I've been using Facebook almost exclusively. Update on the family:
Scott - the outsourcing for his company is a definite (boo). He has a guaranteed year of employment and hopefully will be able to continue on with the "new company". Scott will be having some minor knee surgery (probably at the beginning of the year) to clean up some torn cartilage. Hopefully he will bounce back quickly and not lose too much cycling time.
Debbie - I ran my first full-marathon in November. It is the hardest thing I've done athletically, but also the most rewarding!! I can't wait to do another one. I'm still working at the YMCA and at the pilates studio. Took my comprehensive test for my pilates certification & passed. YEAH!!
Morgan - had her first job this year at the Orr Family Farm. She's done working for the season, but will probably go back in the spring. She really enjoyed making her own money. It was a great learning experience for her. She will be driving this summer - heaven help me!!!
Travis - finished up a successful soccer season last month. He played very well this season. I think we're ready to move him up to the competitive league next year. Also, another major milestone, he got his braces off! He looks so handsome with his new smile!!
Homeschooling is still going well - challenging, but I'm glad we're hanging in there.
God Bless & have a wonderful Christmas & happy, productive New Year.
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Back in the Saddle Again
It has been awhile since I've updated my blog; spending most of my creative computer time on facebook. Yeah, I know - pretty sad.
The summer is over and the kids are about 2 1/2 weeks into school. We are still homeschooling, but are using Bob Jones University online & DVD curriculum which is much better for everyone involved. Now if we can get Travis to just follow the syllabus & complete his work - life would be great. I don't understand him sometimes. I never would've dreamed of turning in work that was incomplete. Some of that stemmed from a fear of my parents' wrath, but a lot of it was my OCD need for straight A's. Morgan has made a complete turn-around from last year. She began seminary at church, which is Monday through Friday at 6 a.m. She has been a lot more focused since seminary began.
I'm still doing what I do. Training at the Y and at the studio; running, cycling, swimming, yada yada. I have one more sprint triathlon in September (Tie-Dye Triathlon) and then the Tulsa Route 66 Marathon in November. I've been keeping pretty close to the training schedule, but "stuff" happens. I really hope all goes as planned - no injuries or anything. I've trained for several full-marathons, but have yet to run one due to injuries. I'm trying to be really smart with my training, but I have the tendency to overdo things. I'm trying to drop some more weight as well which tends to make me obsessive. I'll probably go to my grave stressing about my weight.
Scott is doing well. He is such a saint to put up with all my crazy stuff! Job things are still up in the air, but prayerfully we'll have answers soon.
I really need a vacation. NEED!! Not just a want - because I'm reaching burn-out! Finances won't allow too much right now so I'll have to hang in there and be patient.
The summer is over and the kids are about 2 1/2 weeks into school. We are still homeschooling, but are using Bob Jones University online & DVD curriculum which is much better for everyone involved. Now if we can get Travis to just follow the syllabus & complete his work - life would be great. I don't understand him sometimes. I never would've dreamed of turning in work that was incomplete. Some of that stemmed from a fear of my parents' wrath, but a lot of it was my OCD need for straight A's. Morgan has made a complete turn-around from last year. She began seminary at church, which is Monday through Friday at 6 a.m. She has been a lot more focused since seminary began.
I'm still doing what I do. Training at the Y and at the studio; running, cycling, swimming, yada yada. I have one more sprint triathlon in September (Tie-Dye Triathlon) and then the Tulsa Route 66 Marathon in November. I've been keeping pretty close to the training schedule, but "stuff" happens. I really hope all goes as planned - no injuries or anything. I've trained for several full-marathons, but have yet to run one due to injuries. I'm trying to be really smart with my training, but I have the tendency to overdo things. I'm trying to drop some more weight as well which tends to make me obsessive. I'll probably go to my grave stressing about my weight.
Scott is doing well. He is such a saint to put up with all my crazy stuff! Job things are still up in the air, but prayerfully we'll have answers soon.
I really need a vacation. NEED!! Not just a want - because I'm reaching burn-out! Finances won't allow too much right now so I'll have to hang in there and be patient.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Life has been relatively boring, but I'm not complaining! I've been running, riding & swimming with no injuries or issues (knock on wood) & have been feeling great! (If I could just get my nutrition in line . . . ) Something about the 7 p.m hour has been bewitching to me - a.k.a. carb fest.
Have a few events lined up for the summer - Draper Duathlon (on road), Norman Conquest, Lighthouse Triathlon, Midnight Streak, Spin your Wheels (hopefully my first century ride) and Tie-Dye Tri. A pretty ambitious schedule considering my work schedule, but I'm up for it! I love doing competitions because it keeps me focused during my daily training.
The kids are pretty bored & sick of being at home. I don't know what to tell them. It is what it is!
Have a few events lined up for the summer - Draper Duathlon (on road), Norman Conquest, Lighthouse Triathlon, Midnight Streak, Spin your Wheels (hopefully my first century ride) and Tie-Dye Tri. A pretty ambitious schedule considering my work schedule, but I'm up for it! I love doing competitions because it keeps me focused during my daily training.
The kids are pretty bored & sick of being at home. I don't know what to tell them. It is what it is!
Saturday, June 20, 2009
I completed my second triathlon last weekend (albeit a sprint distance, but a triathlon nonetheless). It was the OCCC Super Sprint. It was much more fun than my first one last year. I felt a lot more comfortable in the pool and my bike was pretty good. I managed to finish 3rd in my age bracket (out of 10, I think). It was wonderful to have my parents there at the finish line. They don't usually attend my events so it meant a lot to have them there.
Today was the Oklahoma Baptist Children's Ride. I have done 44 miles the last two years, but didn't today. Today is Morgan's 15th birthday!! I wanted to be home and still conscious! I ran 8 miles with Cori this morning so I definitely got my workouts in today!
We bought Morgan a cell phone for her birthday. She's been begging for one for almost two years so it really was a special gift for her - one she really appreciated. She's been texting almost all day!
Our church pioneer trek is this week - we leave on Thursday. I love to hike and camp, but I am concerned about the heat. I've been really hydrating and encouraging all the kids to do the same. Wish us luck!
Today was the Oklahoma Baptist Children's Ride. I have done 44 miles the last two years, but didn't today. Today is Morgan's 15th birthday!! I wanted to be home and still conscious! I ran 8 miles with Cori this morning so I definitely got my workouts in today!
We bought Morgan a cell phone for her birthday. She's been begging for one for almost two years so it really was a special gift for her - one she really appreciated. She's been texting almost all day!
Our church pioneer trek is this week - we leave on Thursday. I love to hike and camp, but I am concerned about the heat. I've been really hydrating and encouraging all the kids to do the same. Wish us luck!
Sunday, May 31, 2009
End of May update
Kids are pretty much done with school - some loose ends to tie up. This first semester of homeschooling has been a learning experience. I'll be more organized in August (I hope). They will be doing some more co-op classes next semester.
I love the warmer weather - getting to ride and run outside more is wonderful!
I began advanced swim lessons on Friday and after one lesson I feel more empowered. I signed up for the OCCC sprint triathlon on June 13th and feel ready to go!!! We'll see how things go. I want to conquer my fear of the swim!
The shifters on my bike had to be replaced to the tune of $275! UGH! What can you do? I love my bike and am not ready to replace "LANCE".
Scott, Randy and I did the Tour de Meers last weekend. It was wonderful! I love scenic rides. I saw buffalo, long-horns, etc. My shifters officially died during this ride so hills were a challenge, but it was still a great ride. I look forward to all the upcoming summer rides.
I love the warmer weather - getting to ride and run outside more is wonderful!
I began advanced swim lessons on Friday and after one lesson I feel more empowered. I signed up for the OCCC sprint triathlon on June 13th and feel ready to go!!! We'll see how things go. I want to conquer my fear of the swim!
The shifters on my bike had to be replaced to the tune of $275! UGH! What can you do? I love my bike and am not ready to replace "LANCE".
Scott, Randy and I did the Tour de Meers last weekend. It was wonderful! I love scenic rides. I saw buffalo, long-horns, etc. My shifters officially died during this ride so hills were a challenge, but it was still a great ride. I look forward to all the upcoming summer rides.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
OKC Memorial Marathon

Sunday was the 9th Annual OKC Memorial Marathon. As I posted earlier, I had originally planned to run the full 26.2 miles, but an unexpected knee snafu took me out for a little over a month. After the death of my friend, Craig, I re-evaluated doing the marathon, why I run and what I wanted to accomplish. Cori and I decided to run/walk or a combination of the two for the half-marathon instead. We got in a few "long" runs (for me 8 miles post-injury was long) and away we went.
The weather was not optimal running weather, to say the least. It was hot, humid and windy, but as runners, we pushed through. Cori and I stayed together through the good, bad and ugly (did you see those belly-dancers??). I'm so glad I decided to run it & we did run most of it with a few (ok - several) walking breaks. We finished with a time of 2:20 which isn't horrible.
I'm so proud of all my running pals who ran or walked on Sunday. It is an accomplishment that no one can take away from you! Special props go out to Mike, Josh and Stephanie who all ran their first full. Way to go!!
If you can believe it, I'm planning on trying again to train for the full marathon which seems to elude me. Now it has become an obsession to be able to complete a full marathon without injuries getting in the way of my training. I'm "mentally" registered for the Tulsa Route 66 Marathon in November. I hope health and good luck are on my side. We've got several months to see. Just taking it one run at a time. On a side note, I'm so glad that cycling season is here.
Saturday, April 18, 2009
It's Almost Time!!!
The last few weeks have been chock full of ups and downs - just like life, right??
I've been able to run a lot more which has been wonderful!!! I'm so grateful for Cori running with me on Thursday mornings and the Southside Group on Saturdays. I ran just over 8 miles today and it felt beyond awesome!! I'm running the half-marathon next weekend and am really excited. I still really miss Craig, but I know he is with our Heavenly Father. To be honest, I've never really lost someone close to me. All my grandparents are gone, but I was young when they passed.
Homeschooling has been a challenge. Scott does most of the work to be honest. I get really distracted. I'll be glad for summer break so I can get re-organized. The kids are doing really well despite the inconsistency of their parents. I had the best of intentions when we began - but life happens.
We're planning for the church "Pioneer Trek" in June. I will be a 'ma' for a family of 8 kids. (I only had two for a reason . . . ) It will be fun and a great experience, but the logistics are a little challenging. The food will undoubtedly be awful so I'm sure I'll lose some weight - a plus!!!
I'm so proud of all my friends who have been training for marathons, etc. They inspire me!
I've been able to run a lot more which has been wonderful!!! I'm so grateful for Cori running with me on Thursday mornings and the Southside Group on Saturdays. I ran just over 8 miles today and it felt beyond awesome!! I'm running the half-marathon next weekend and am really excited. I still really miss Craig, but I know he is with our Heavenly Father. To be honest, I've never really lost someone close to me. All my grandparents are gone, but I was young when they passed.
Homeschooling has been a challenge. Scott does most of the work to be honest. I get really distracted. I'll be glad for summer break so I can get re-organized. The kids are doing really well despite the inconsistency of their parents. I had the best of intentions when we began - but life happens.
We're planning for the church "Pioneer Trek" in June. I will be a 'ma' for a family of 8 kids. (I only had two for a reason . . . ) It will be fun and a great experience, but the logistics are a little challenging. The food will undoubtedly be awful so I'm sure I'll lose some weight - a plus!!!
I'm so proud of all my friends who have been training for marathons, etc. They inspire me!
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
More than you can bear??
The last week or so has been an emotional roller coaster. One of my dear friends, Craig, took his own life on Friday evening. I don't think any of us will ever fully understand all the "whys". I wasn't the closest person to him, but he definitely made an impact on my life. I began running with the Southside running group almost two years ago (?) or so. For those of you who are not runners, you cannot fully understand the camaraderie that goes along with the sport. Even when you are injured and cannot run, you still feel the connection with everyone else as they continue to pursue their goals.
When someone dies, it inevitably makes you look at your life. I have realized that I am not easy to be friends with and tend to push people away. What kind of legacy do I want to leave behind?? Certainly not one as unapproachable and/or unfriendly. I vow to change those things and try to be more involved with people -if it isn't too late.
To make matters worse, I've been dealing with yet another medical issue. Test results will come back this week so I will not mention the nature of it here, but suffice it to say, I'm sick of dealing with medical things! God isn't supposed to give us more than we can bear - this week is pushing that limit.
On a brighter note - a few of the girls and I went to a pole-dancing class on Friday. It was a blast!! Everything I do is rigid and scheduled and I was able to let loose and have fun. I was definitely sore the next day though. I have a new understanding of the struggles of the "working girls".
God Bless!!!
When someone dies, it inevitably makes you look at your life. I have realized that I am not easy to be friends with and tend to push people away. What kind of legacy do I want to leave behind?? Certainly not one as unapproachable and/or unfriendly. I vow to change those things and try to be more involved with people -if it isn't too late.
To make matters worse, I've been dealing with yet another medical issue. Test results will come back this week so I will not mention the nature of it here, but suffice it to say, I'm sick of dealing with medical things! God isn't supposed to give us more than we can bear - this week is pushing that limit.
On a brighter note - a few of the girls and I went to a pole-dancing class on Friday. It was a blast!! Everything I do is rigid and scheduled and I was able to let loose and have fun. I was definitely sore the next day though. I have a new understanding of the struggles of the "working girls".
God Bless!!!
Monday, March 9, 2009
Family Vacation
We just got back from a 7 day cruise in the Caribbean with the kids and my parents. Overall, we had a wonderful time; however, I don't think I ever want to travel with anyone else ever again (children included).
We were at sea on Sunday & Monday. Unfortunately, a cold front came in right before we left OKC and the weather wasn't as warm as we would've liked. I still laid out by the pool and managed to get a sun-burn.
Our first stop was Cozumel, Mexico. We went to see the Mayan Ruins in Tulum. I was really excited to see this historic place. It took awhile by ferry and bus to get there. Our guides, Nachos and Carlos, spoke very broken English so our tour was not as informative as it was probably meant to be. We only had about 20 minutes to wander around on our own so I don't recommend this tour to anyone unless you are going on your own b/c all the information you want on Tulum can be found on GOOGLE.
Second stop was Grand Cayman. Our excursion was to go swim with the stingrays and then snorkel at the barrier reef. Again, it was windy. Our boat captain took forever to get to stingray city and then on the way back the boat blew an engine and they had to get another boat to bring us back. Our three hour tour lasted five hours. We didn't get to meet up with my parents for shopping or go out to lunch like we had hoped. I still loved swimming with the stingrays and snorkeling around reef despite the other circumstances. The water is so clear!
Our third stop was Jamaica. People have been warning us for months that Jamaica was dirty and we would probably be offered drugs. We followed our travel agent's advice and went out to Negril on the western part of the island. Our tour guide, Sherilynn, was awesome!!! The beach was so beautiful. There was no wind on our part of the island and the weather couldn't have been better. We rented a jet ski and had a blast! This was, by far, the best part of the trip. No one really tried to sell us drugs - I guess we look too squeaky clean. No worries, mon.
The shows on the ship were really good. I took belly-dancing classes which were a blast!!! Despite what everyone predicted, I only went to the gym 3 times. I gained a lot of weight on this cruise, though. I'm back on the food wagon!!
My parents, God love them, complained about almost every aspect of the trip - the food, the room, the ports, the weather. OMG!! I thought I was going to have to jump overboard before I committed murder. I guess my standards are low b/c I loved the trip. Was it perfect? No. But how can you complain when you're being waited on, in the Caribbean and away from work????
Friday, February 27, 2009
I'm Outta Here!!!!
We're leaving for vacation in about 14 hours! YEAH!! We're all very excited. (Even Mom, who still has shingles). The packing is almost done. I will do my "last chance workout" tomorrow with Cori (both of us on the disabled list).
I think I'm out for running the full marathon in April due to knee issues. I'm hopeful that I can still run the half, but only time will tell. I'm bummed out, but I don't want to push it - been there, done that. Cycling season starts soon and I love that even more than running. The Red Bud Classic is only about a month away.
See y'all when we get back!!!
I think I'm out for running the full marathon in April due to knee issues. I'm hopeful that I can still run the half, but only time will tell. I'm bummed out, but I don't want to push it - been there, done that. Cycling season starts soon and I love that even more than running. The Red Bud Classic is only about a month away.
See y'all when we get back!!!
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Is It Friday Yet???
This has been a busy week. We're leaving for our trip in 9 days (yes, I'm totally counting down). My mom has gotten herself so stressed out about what to wear, what to bring, etc. that she has broken out in shingles!!! She's in a lot of pain - hopefully the drugs the doctor gave her will work well. She's still able to go on the trip and she's hoping the spots go away soon! I am very ready for this vacation. I've been so busy with work, kids, etc. that I think I've kind of shut down & have reached burnout where I don't want to do anything!
My knee started bothering me this week which really stinks b/c I'm supposed to run 17 with Cori on Saturday. It hasn't bothered me in over a year!! I'll have to play it by ear, but I certainly don't want another injury. If I have to take some time off - so be it. I hate to take time off from running!!! I know what is causing it to hurt and I'm doing everything within my power to make it better but it still bothers me. I need Tanya to fix me!!!!
So tune in next time for - - did Debbie get to run? Does Mom still have shingles? Are Debbie's clients still alive??
My knee started bothering me this week which really stinks b/c I'm supposed to run 17 with Cori on Saturday. It hasn't bothered me in over a year!! I'll have to play it by ear, but I certainly don't want another injury. If I have to take some time off - so be it. I hate to take time off from running!!! I know what is causing it to hurt and I'm doing everything within my power to make it better but it still bothers me. I need Tanya to fix me!!!!
So tune in next time for - - did Debbie get to run? Does Mom still have shingles? Are Debbie's clients still alive??
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Frigid Five
Today was the Frigid Five - a 5 mile race in Edmond. It was a really good run, but very hilly. Have I mentioned before how much I hate hills??? I ran a respectable 45:25. My goal was to do it under 45:00, but considering all the hills - I'll take it. It was awesome to see so many friends and acquaintances there.
Since today is Valentine's Day, Scott and I went to the movies to see "He's Just Not That Into You". It was so funny!!! It related the story of several men and women and all of the dating faux pas. The sad thing - almost everything they were making jokes about was true!!! I'm so glad I'm not single!!! I have an awesome husband.
I hope everyone had a great Valentine's Day!!
Since today is Valentine's Day, Scott and I went to the movies to see "He's Just Not That Into You". It was so funny!!! It related the story of several men and women and all of the dating faux pas. The sad thing - almost everything they were making jokes about was true!!! I'm so glad I'm not single!!! I have an awesome husband.
I hope everyone had a great Valentine's Day!!
Friday, February 6, 2009
Well, I've finally jumped on board the Facebook bandwagon. I must say - it is very addictive (Natalie warned me). I have been able to touch base with people from high school that I haven't seen or heard from in 15 or more years! I love looking at people's pictures and hearing about what's going on in their lives.
Speaking of which . . . training for the Memorial Marathon is in full swing. Thanks to Cori - we're right on track. We ran 13 miles last Saturday & I felt really good. We're going to do the same tomorrow, but will bump it up the following week. I am trying to stretch, stay opened and really listen to my body so I don't get injured . . . again. Injuries SUCK!! Watching your friends run the marathon that you trained four months for also sucks, so I don't want to repeat that. My parents are very anti-running so they are not happy with my decision to train for this event. Oh well!!!
We're counting down to our cruise - T-minus 22 days and counting!!! I am so ready!!!
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Barack Obama
We have a new president. I guess I am in a little bit of denial because I still can't believe that America elected Barack Obama, a man with no substantial leadership experience, as president of this country. People can argue all they want, but race was a huge factor in his election. He promised the world on a silver platter and is already starting to back down on some of those things. Those who voted for him with the idea that he would make everything all "better" will be sadly mistaken. I pray that God will watch over our nation and not allow this new president to drive us into oblivion. We are blessed with agency to make our own choices and God allows people to make mistakes - I just hope that He doesn't allow Obama to make too many costly ones. We watched the inauguration on Tuesday because, regardless of my political views and opinions, he is our new president and it was a historical moment - the changing of power and the first African American president.
I believe it was Karl Rove who recently said that he hopes Obama fails. I do not hope he fails - that would mean our country was damaged. I hope Americans can see him for what he truly is - someone inexperienced, wearing rose-colored glasses.
I believe it was Karl Rove who recently said that he hopes Obama fails. I do not hope he fails - that would mean our country was damaged. I hope Americans can see him for what he truly is - someone inexperienced, wearing rose-colored glasses.
Monday, January 19, 2009
Happy Birthday Scott & "Stella"
We celebrated Scott's 40th birthday and Gissella's 29-again birthday on Saturday. Unfortunately, Kim, Sheri and Lynda were unable to make it, but we still had a great time. I don't know how we forgot to get pictures of our little Rock Star/Guitar Hero session, but trust me - it was a sight to be seen (and unfortunately heard).
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Homeschool Survival
I have survived the first week of homeschooling (and so have the kids). I was really stressed about how it would go, but was pleasantly surprised by how we all adapted. The kids really liked being able to work at their own pace and work ahead if they so chose. They went to homeschool P.E. through L.I.G.H.T which is a Christian homeschool group on the southside of OKC. I think they both enjoyed it. I really enjoyed having them home this week. How long will that last?? Time will tell.
Even though the temperature was in the teens with the windchill, we ran this morning. I'm so proud of Cori and I for sticking it out for 8 miles even though we were chilled to the bone. Carrie ran with us for 6 miles. I think I know what hypothermia feels like. Even with two pairs of gloves on my hands hurt from the cold. It felt like pins & needles in my legs. Next week we are scheduled for 10 miles and the weather isn't supposed to be much better! Gotta do what ya gotta do. The OKC Memorial Marathon is what I am training for & it is in about 15 weeks. Keep your fingers crossed that I don't hurt anything!!! If I didn't have Cori or other people to run with - I'd never make it through the training. That is a fact!!!
Even though the temperature was in the teens with the windchill, we ran this morning. I'm so proud of Cori and I for sticking it out for 8 miles even though we were chilled to the bone. Carrie ran with us for 6 miles. I think I know what hypothermia feels like. Even with two pairs of gloves on my hands hurt from the cold. It felt like pins & needles in my legs. Next week we are scheduled for 10 miles and the weather isn't supposed to be much better! Gotta do what ya gotta do. The OKC Memorial Marathon is what I am training for & it is in about 15 weeks. Keep your fingers crossed that I don't hurt anything!!! If I didn't have Cori or other people to run with - I'd never make it through the training. That is a fact!!!
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