Friday, November 21, 2008

What a week!!!

TGIF never held so much significance!!! Work was busy this week. I'm trying to get everyone in before the holidays begin; grocery shopping so I can avoid the crowds next week; the weather turning really cold (o.k. so maybe 50 isn't cold to you, but it sure is to me); trying to put together a syllabus for homeschooling the kids (oh yeah, didn't mention that we're pulling the kids out of school at the end of December to home school them).

This month has flown by - I know how cliche that sounds, but it there is truth to most cliches. Thanksgiving is less than a week away and before you know it Christmas will be here. I love the holidays, but I hate the shopping part. I'm not one of those women who loves the thrill of the hunt for sales. If I could do all my shopping (grocery included) online - I would be set! Trying to get all my workouts in is definitely a priority - to keep my weight in check and keep the stress under control. I love the decorations, lights, music and food.

Talk to y'all later!!!

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