Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Life has been relatively boring, but I'm not complaining! I've been running, riding & swimming with no injuries or issues (knock on wood) & have been feeling great! (If I could just get my nutrition in line . . . ) Something about the 7 p.m hour has been bewitching to me - a.k.a. carb fest.
Have a few events lined up for the summer - Draper Duathlon (on road), Norman Conquest, Lighthouse Triathlon, Midnight Streak, Spin your Wheels (hopefully my first century ride) and Tie-Dye Tri. A pretty ambitious schedule considering my work schedule, but I'm up for it! I love doing competitions because it keeps me focused during my daily training.
The kids are pretty bored & sick of being at home. I don't know what to tell them. It is what it is!