Sunday was the 9th Annual OKC Memorial Marathon. As I posted earlier, I had originally planned to run the full 26.2 miles, but an unexpected knee snafu took me out for a little over a month. After the death of my friend, Craig, I re-evaluated doing the marathon, why I run and what I wanted to accomplish. Cori and I decided to run/walk or a combination of the two for the half-marathon instead. We got in a few "long" runs (for me 8 miles post-injury was long) and away we went.
The weather was not optimal running weather, to say the least. It was hot, humid and windy, but as runners, we pushed through. Cori and I stayed together through the good, bad and ugly (did you see those belly-dancers??). I'm so glad I decided to run it & we did run most of it with a few (ok - several) walking breaks. We finished with a time of 2:20 which isn't horrible.
I'm so proud of all my running pals who ran or walked on Sunday. It is an accomplishment that no one can take away from you! Special props go out to Mike, Josh and Stephanie who all ran their first full. Way to go!!
If you can believe it, I'm planning on trying again to train for the full marathon which seems to elude me. Now it has become an obsession to be able to complete a full marathon without injuries getting in the way of my training. I'm "mentally" registered for the Tulsa Route 66 Marathon in November. I hope health and good luck are on my side. We've got several months to see. Just taking it one run at a time. On a side note, I'm so glad that cycling season is here.